The US Dollar is inflating faster than they tell us

The US Dollar is inflating faster than they tell us

September 22, 2021

They printed a buttload of USD in 2020.

I'm serious, this was a historic amount. They inflated the M2 money supply by 25% in one year. Around 15% of the USD that existed in June did not exist in February.

The dev team behind this farce—The Federal Reserve—should be shamed and ostracized for dumping tokens on their community. Instead, they call it "modern monetary theory" and go about their business.

The government claims that inflation hovers around 2% per year. For now, let's take them at their word and see how things stack up.

According to official numbers, $100 in 1990 is now worth $50.

The thing is, the official numbers are probably bull honkey.

John Williams from ShadowStats has been beating this drum for years. His alternate system shows inflation hovering around 6%. If that were true, then your $100 from 1990 is now worth less than twenty bucks.

Voodoo Economics

Back in the nineties, a bunch of politicians came up with a way to fudge the numbers. They replaced the Cost of Goods Index with a Cost of Living Index. This isn't some outlandish conspiracy theory. It was all on the record and in the public.

They used a couple of harebrained ways to push this through. one was called "substitution."

These guys knew prices were rising. But they also knew that shoppers change what they buy when things cost more. Maybe Mom used to buy steak, but now she can only afford chicken. Rather than solve the rising prices, they changed the measurement to say "well, the kids got dinner so everything is fine."

I wonder what they'll say in 2030 when we're eating cubes of bug protein instead of chicken. 🤔

Our own inflation index is nearly complete. Measuring a basket of goods is just scratching the surface. There are a number of different theories, all with their own methods and quirks. I'll continue to share our research, and I'll break down some of the more interesting theories. By the time we make it public you will be an expert on inflation.

But for now, just know that the US Dollar is inflating faster than they tell us.

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